Radio and Protocol Agnostic Mesh Control Layer

Fig.1 Distributed Radio Intelligence at is radio and protocol agnostic -- by design (dual use)  
The power of Distributed, Dynamic, Radio Intelligence.

Sustainable Wireless Mesh Networks must proactively avoid co-channel interference from multiple radios operating in the same frequency band. Meshdynamics automates channel-selection and topology by distributing dynamic radio intelligence in each node, in effect creating multiple "RF robots". Patented algorithms enable all nodes to periodically SCAN its environment to determine its relationship with neighboring nodes, alternate paths, and extraneous and potentially interfering radio sources.

In this distributed dynamic radio intelligence approach, the network forms a tree-like structure emanating from one or more "root" nodes that have the wired or fiber connection to the Internet or intranet. As the branches of the "tree" radiate outward, eventually they become geographically distant enough from one another for nodes to begin re-using channels. This increases the capacity of the network, making better use of the scarcest resource: the number of non interfering RF channels available.

The independent but coordinated "RF robots" in nodes are useful in detecting and avoiding external interference sources. Nodes close to these RF sources move - in coordinated fashion - to a less used channel. Impact to end users is minimized.
MeshControlTM : Radio Card and Wireless Protocol Agnostic - by Design.

Meshdynamics' Third Generation implementation is not limited to any particular number or type of physical radios, or indeed to the concept of separate physical radios at all. Instead, the Meshdynamics MeshControlTM mesh networking algorithm treats physical and/or logical radios as a pool of available connections to be dynamically managed for optimum performance.

The MeshControlTM  software (items orange, above)  is uniquely radio-manufacturer independent, allowing the rapid addition of new radio frequencies, radio suppliers and new technologies. The MeshControlTM software is therefore future-proof: it can been upgraded to new  RF standards, as they become proven and commercially feasible.

Decoupling the logical channel-selection and topology-definition processes from the specific physical radio in this fashion delivers distributed dynamic radio intelligence benefits for current as well as emerging radio standards. An additional benefit of decoupling the distributed dynamic radio intelligence  (e.g. controlling channel selection and topology configuration) from the radio hardware,  is the potential to incorporate (lower cost) commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) radios.

This substantially decreases time-to-market and greatly increases manufacturing scale, reducing both development- and unit cost over the use of custom hardware development.
Modular MeshTM Products Extend Logical Network Edge seamlessly


Fig 2: Modular Mesh supports up to 4 radios         Fig 3: Interoperability between 5 GHz and 2.4 GHz sub trees

The MeshControlTM software takes Radio Frequency Agility one step further in our Modular MeshTM products.  Figure 2 shows how this level of flexibility is leveraged in the MD4000 4 radio products. There are 4 mini-PCI slots on the board, two on the bottom and two on top. Each of the four slots can house a different frequency radio. This opens up some interesting possibilities including 2.4 GHz backhaul systems being part of a mesh with 5.8 GHz backhauls. 

The service and backhaul radios are distinct, and operating in different domains/channels, it is possible to use a service radio to bridge over from a 5.8 GHz backhaul to 2.4 GHz backhaul, see Fig 3. The 4325 Mobility Relay node on the bottom left has joined the mesh – even though the upper links are 5.8 GHz (blue) – through the service radio (pink). 

The physical network edge bridges between two distinct frequency bands and potentially disparate radio communication protocols. The logical  network abstraction, using "logical" ports simply extends the network tree. Wired Switch Equivalence 

Meshdynamics' powerful networking algorithms are designed to work over a variety of civilian and military radio bands. Custom radio device driver development capabilities are available, operating in even broader ranges of bands and protocols.

A device and communication protocol abstracted framework emerges, with tight integration with local and remote  "machine controller" applications that orchestrate the sensor-actuator interactions and the feedback command and control loops.